I am ecstatic. I cannot wait for the food, the culture, the people.
However, I want to make the most of my experience in Bolivia. I rarely get the opportunity to visit a developing nation, and I feel as though I should be doing some volunteer work while I'm down there. My grandparents moved to a new house in Calacoto, an apartment. Fortunately for me, their new home is 3 blocks from the UNICEF Headquarters in La Paz! I sent an email over to someone down there with my resume, but I haven't received a response. I think I'm going to call the DC office and try to get things squared away. I can't believe I haven't thought of this before, and I couldn't imagine wasting such an amazing opportunity. Since my mom and I will be living off of my grandparent's hospitality while we are down there, I really should not do any field work. It would be much more interesting to do field work down there, but then again I don't have any experience in water treatment or doing any of the work they will likely do. It still would be amazing to volunteer in the office and be privy to Bolivian issues and the role of international organizations in the country. Any ideas on where I should volunteer???
I love how motivated you are! I think you should try and do some Voulenteer work with Children or something like that.