Monday, July 2, 2012

Day 3: Lunch and Mountains

Today we went out to eat at a local restaurant in Cota-Cota, a part of La Paz. The restaurant serves everything from lamb to pork, to chicken and beef. I ordered Chicharon de cerdo, a traditional Bolivian dish of pork. It was amazing. We ordered an appetizer of patitas, pickled pork legs with pork lunchmeat and assorted vegetables. Take a look for yourself. I only liked the lunchmeat, I didn’t like the pork legs. My grandma ordered lamb ribs…
I didn’t try them but they looked alright. With out meal we ordered Elinga, a dark beer that contains only 3% alcohol, and some Coca-Cola, of course. I was told that the Elinga was so light that it barely tasted like beer, but it seemed pretty strong to me! In Bolivia there are no real laws about underage drinking, so there is no issue with minors drinking, unless you’re 11 or 12 years old or something like that.

After lunch, we went to the upper streets of Achumani, another part of the city, and took pictures of the mountains.

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