Happy Fourth of July! Sadly, in Bolivia there was not much celebrationfor this American holiday. There were, however, fireworks in the early eveningwhen the sun set. Didn’t get any pictures, but the fireworks were very nice. Ithink I even saw some Roman Candles and other fireworks that are illegal in the U.S.
Today, we went to buy some movies at local stores. Movieshere are very cheap. A DVD costs 10 Bolivianos ($1.44) and a Blu Ray costs 20Bs. ($2.87). This is what one of the stores we went to looks like. The DVDs andBlu Ray discs aren’t in such great condition, so you can ask for them to betested out. In the picture, that is why there is a TV at the store. They haveall sorts of movies, old ones and new ones alike. All though all movies havetitles in Spanish, they almost always come in English as well. Every once in awhile, a movie you test out is recorded illegally in a movie theater. Thequality is so poor that you don’t want to buy the movie. It’s pirated movieslike that, that probably explain why the costs are so low for the movies. Allof the movies I bought are good quality; although, some discs might be copies.I’ll never know.
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